Echo Effect

Senior Thesis Research Project


Psychosocial functions describe the ability to interact and engage with a person’s daily environments. When it comes to at-risk youth, the development of psychosocial functions is really important because these kids are affected by adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s). According to the National Institutes of Health, ACE’s cause poor health outcomes, increase risky behaviors, and decrease future earnings which takes away lots of opportunity for positive development of psychosocial functions. This is significant because it affects a child’s day to day life and eventually their future. Research done through Wayne University and others shows “participation in organized activities is associated with positive psychosocial adjustment in youth” (Steinberg, 2016).

However, there is a gap of at-risk youth who are not getting involved in these organized activities, and this gap will not be filled if the established programs don’t have the necessary assets. Through talking to directors of programs in town, it is clear that there is greater benefit when connecting individuals to established programs rather than going out alone. This is because every time a new program begins they have to start from scratch rather than having a foundation of what works and what doesn’t. There are established programs here in Knoxville like Thrive Lonsdale and Emerald Youth Foundation which get kids involved in ways through things like team sports and after-school programs.

However, as mentioned previously the impact of those programs is inhibited if they lack support. This project, Echo Effect, intends to come alongside established programs in order to help them receive the assets they need. This can happen by inspiring others to get involved and invest in these programs through giving opportunities for donations and volunteer signups. Echo Effect will be sharing the kids's stories through photography and storytelling which will be viewable on a website. The opportunity for kids to showcase photos they’ve taken and personal testimonials gives the community a better understanding of how impactful these programs are.


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